I like to record my life. There are many ways to record in the world. Writing, drawing, Taking photos, making something. Everyone's records have been part of history.
I think that flower arranging, too, could be one of those records.
Nature is always filled with wonderful and beautiful records. I think what florists do, is that they don't miss out on the beautiful moments of nature. They bring us to closer to our lives and to living. Florists can meld the flow of time, art, history, and so on, in the work.
I want to do things that capture beauty without missing it. I hope that the work of ‘ARH’ will be part of someone’s preciousrecords.
About a month ago, I started the dandelion project. I've been thinking for a long time about how to record my last season of spring in Austin. I ended up choosing a dandelion seed. Dandelions have been growing here for years, watching our world, our family, neighbors, their pets and everything alive. With each and every day here, dandelions bloom, and over time they return back into seeds. I've recorded my precious memories of this place with meaningful, little seeds.
한 달 전 즈음, 민들레 프로젝트를 시작하게 되었습니다. 오스틴에서의 마지막 봄을 어떻게 기록하는 것이 좋을지 한참을 고민해왔고, 고민 끝에 민들레 씨앗을 선택하게 되었습니다. 민들레들은 이곳에서 수년 동안 자라오면서 우리 가족과 이웃들, 그들의 반려동물들 그리고 살아있는 모든 것들을 지켜보았습니다. 이곳의 하루하루를 간직한 채, 민들레는 꽃을 피웠고 그 꽃은 시간이 흘러 다시 씨앗으로 피어났습니다. 의미 있는 작은 씨앗들로 이곳의 소중한 기억들을 기록해봅니다.